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Welcome to Westminster

Presbyterian Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church is a diverse, caring congregation united by the belief in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We are drawn together by our common need for forgiveness, by a special sense of belonging, and by new life in Christ. Since the church's establishment on April 24, 1903 as a Cumberland Presbyterian Mission by the Reverend William S. Sullivan, this church has been a vital member of the Hot Springs community. 

Originally located a 340 Ouachita Avenue in a building that housed both a drug store and doctor's offices, the church was forced to move to 443 Orange Street after a fire swept through the city in 1905.  It then became known as the Orange Street Church until August of 1921 when the name was changed to Trinity Presbyterian Church.  It held that name until December 1937 when the name was changed back to Orange Street Presbyterian Church.

The Church continued to grow and expand over the years.  In 1960 it was decided that they had outgrown their location on Orange Street and a committee was formed to look for a new location.  Also at that time the name of the church was changed to its current name of Westminster Presbyterian Church.  The decision was to purchased a lot on Highway 7 South (now known as Central Avenue) and is now the church's current location at 3819 Central Avenue.

Westminster Prebyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) whose motto is "Reformed and Always Reforming".  Some of the principles articulated by John Calvin are still at the core of Presbyterian beliefs. Among these are the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, justification by grace through faith and the priesthood of all believers. What these tenets mean is that God is the supreme authority throughout the universe. Our knowledge of God and God’s purpose for humanity comes from the Bible, particularly what is revealed in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ. Our salvation (justification) through Jesus is God’s generous gift to us and not the result of our own accomplishments. It is everyone’s job — ministers and lay people alike — to share this Good News with the whole world. That is also why the Presbyterian church is governed at all levels by a combination of clergy and laity, men and women alike.

As Presbyterians, we believe that the Holy Spirit works best in the church through the will of the people as represented by its Elders who serve together on the Session that oversees the mission, ministries, and governance of Westminster Presbyterian Church.


Meet the Staff

Chip Hatcher


Ordained in 1988, Chip was called to Westminster in 2016 as pastor.

Kristen La Madrid

Organist/Chancel Choir Director

Susie Wright

Commissioned Ruling Elder

Anita Dickson

Mother's Day Out Director

Billie Wetzler

Administrative Assistant

Jack Davis


Monthly Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter for December can be found at this link.

Weekly Bulletin

The weekly bulletin used in the worship service on 9 February can be found at this link.


We livestream the service on YouTube. You can find the livestream at or by searching for Chip Hatcher on YouTube.   A recording of the service for 16 February 2025 can be found at this YouTube link.

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